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  The first monks appeared in the place already inХII-ХV centuries (no more precise data is available).They founded a cloister in the thick or the rocks,with a small house annexed thereto. Later, in 1776,1857 and 1992 this annex house was restored. Atpresent, the rock cloister hosts a church.The first buildings or the monasterywere constructed in 1776.    Monk Bartholomewcrooked-handed nicknamed this way due to thehandicap or his left hand accidently injured by ahunter founded the first summer wooden church,several cells, circled the estates with a fence. Alandlord or Saharna settlement Ivan Khristovergypresented to the monastery 120 desyatinas or land.    Bartholomew repaired the cells and the churchor the skete in Gorodische settlement located 15 kilometres far from Saharna in the rocks or theright shore or the Nistru River. The cloister grewinhabited by monks.In the year 1821 the summer woodenchurch was displaced by a stone temple under thesupervision or the Father Superior Tarasios.    Thischurch has survived till nowadays. The cloisterwas renowned due to its relics either: in the year1817 the monastery got the donation or the DonCossacks in honour or the terminated war withNapoleon, and namely “a huge portable cypresscross with silver-and-golden furnishing, the shroudor Christ decorated with golden embroidery andprecious stones, the Gospel with silver-and-goldencover and enamel furnished with turquoise” (“TheAlmanac or Bessarabia”, 1906). All the above relicsare missing without a trace, though.In the year 1936 the monastery wastrans formed into a nunnery because the monksopposed the swop or calendars from the Julianinto the Gregorian style. Yet, the nunnery didnot survive either: it was closed in 1964 and itspremises were used as hospital for mentallyinsane. The monastery was revived just in 1991.    MONASTERY “ST. TRINITY” Saharna Village or Rezina regionTel.: (+373 254) 78-500, mob.: (+373) 697-37-557 E-mail: Web: