In total, approximately 30 ensembles Moldova park, most of them were built in the mid-nineteenth century around the noble mansions. Suddenly it's 20 largest park complex gardens are under state protection.
Today, most gardens around the mansions are part of sanatoria and museum complexes, allowing them to maintain a state more or less agreeable.
In Moldova, you can visit the following parks: Hirbovat Pavlov, linden alley between S. Pavlovka and Largа, Cugureşti, Temelueţi park Rediul village, Taul Mind, "Iasnaia Polyana" Brînzeşti, Hîncăuţi, Stolniceni Milesti, Ivancea Cubolta Park "Leuntea" and of course Garden National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History of Chisinau.