Our centers employ top-ranking professionals. All our ophthalmologists were trained on contact eyesight correction methods at Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases (Russia) and at С iba Vision advanced professional training center for contactologists (Switzerland).
All ophthalmology centers are equipped as mini-polyclinics with state-of-the-art computerized diagnostics tools, such as: Reichert (Leica, USA), Topcon (Japan), Rodenstock (Germany). Any of our medical offices offers comprehensive and computerized eyesight diagnostics and ophthalmologist's advice regarding your eyesight and eye health. He/she will recommend the appropriate treatment and the schedule for your subsequent visits, if needed.
Oficiu principal şi salon "Optic-Lux"
Moldova 2012, Mun. Chişinău, Str. 31 August, 101
tel/fax: (+373 22) 22-24-76
e-mail: info@opticlux.com
(+373 22) 22-55-32
Salon "Optic-Lux"
Mun. Chişinău, Str. Ştefan cel Mare, 123
tel:(+373 22) 23-54-95
Mun. Chişinău, str. Dacia, 4
tel: (+373 22 ) 56 96 12
Cabinet de corecţie a vederii cu lentile de contact:
Policlinica Cancelariei de Stat
Str. V. Pârcălab, 46 cab. 319
tel: (+373 22) 25-15-39
Filiala or. Bălţi:
Str. Decebal, 101 cab. 304
tel. mob. 91 20999
Web: www.opticlux.com