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    Horeşti Monastery is located near the village of the same name, Ialoveni, about about 23 km from Chisinau. Official monastery began to function in its own right only at the July 29, 2007, and consecrated the same day as the presence of Metropolitan Vladimir, and many church and lay people.    The monastery is a two-storey building with a bell even ordered its shaft, surmounted by a cupola. The abbot of the monastery is now Archimandrite Nektarios (Herman), dedicated to St. Prince Vladimir. The land allocated monasteries, gave several peasants in the area, is very broad, and in the future will cupinde several outbuildings with various functions, and a high church wall, which will be located in the eastern part of the ensemble.    Currently, the monastery has a few buildings, except the main one, in which it is incorporated and the chapel which serves. The church is located near a lake, where the future monastic community hopes will become an additional source of income.    The monastery has an icon, which will soon take the place of honor in architecture iconostasis, the icon of the patron. It was made by an anonymous Russian lay precisely in remote Siberia, giving it the place, learning of the name shall be sanctified Holy Prince Vladimir, the Apostles. In Moldova, the growing devotion to the Holy Prince Vladimir, can be explained by multiplying those who have been baptized with that name, but also by the fact that it is worn and Întîistătătorul local church. For some time, entered the Holy Prince Vladimir and the ROC calendar.